Guide to permanent exhibits

Excavation the Jomon Period Settlement

What exactly is an excavation survey?
The principles of an excavation and an actual excavation are demonstrated by models and a video recording.

Were the exhibits excavated at the Yamada-Uenodai site?
The pit dwellings and storage pits excavated at the site are shown in full scale on the floor surface, and artifacts such as Jomon pottery are exhibited.

Human Life 20,000 years ago
Stone tools from the Old Stone Age and a stripped sample of excavated geological strata are on display.

Jomon study lounge

To facilitate investigative learning about the Jomon period, there are two computers available and books related to this subject.

Recreating the Jomon Period Settlement

A scene of the Yamada-Uenodai site Jomon village is recreated in a model. When you peek into the two scopes…(you can see how people lived in the Jomon period).
The "Research Desk" demonstrates ways of estimating dates from the characteristics of Jomon pottery. It also shows how plant pollen held clues that helped to recreate the environment.

Corner Exhibitions

A seasonal themed exhibition is held three times a year.

The Lives of Jomon people

This corner-exhibition demonstrates what it was like inside a pit dwelling and introduces how Jomon people lived everyday with nature, as indicated by the excavated Jomon pottery and stone tools.

Experience the Jomon period

▲ Activity/Workshop room

▲ Activity/workshop space (workshop studio)

In the workshop room, you can try your hand at Jomon workshops such as Jomon pottery-making and 'Magatama' beads-making (additional charge for material costs).
Guide to workshops