A 5th grader, won a prize in the 60th Nationwide English Language Composition Contest for Senior High School Students.

This year, 1,188 students applied for the contest. This is the first time for a student at Seiryo to participate, and she made vigorous efforts. The title of this year’s essay was “My school life during the Covid-19 pandemic”. Sugita, who was studying in the US during the Covid-19 pandemic therefore depriving her from many chances to improve her English, wrote about how to face her new reality and what she learned from it. Congratulations!




今年度は1,188名の応募数があり,仙台青陵は初出場ながら大健闘しました(全国7位)。今年度のタイトルは,”My school life during the Covid-19 pandemic” で,当時アメリカ留学していた杉田さんが,否応なく学校や社会で英語を話す状況から離されたものの,新しい現実に向き合ってそこから学んだことについて書かれています。受賞おめでとうございます!

